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Downloadable Forms
Below you will find our Parent Handbook and various forms that are required in the registration of your child. If you need to update any information like a change in work, alternative pick up person, or change of address please feel free to download any pages that you need to keep your children's file up-to-date and current.
Download: Portable Emergency Contact Forms
This is the emergency contact sheet for both the daycare and the OSC. Please fill out completely with full physical addresses and current information.
Please help us operate the daycare in a safe and professional manner by reading through the parent handbook and filling out all the necessary forms. It is very important that you are aware of all of our policies, as we want you to make your decision about childcare based on the terms presented.
Online Registration is available.
We are converting to electronic records, but some of the following forms may be required upon final registration.
A few notes about our online registration:​
1. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail by the next business day, please call to confirm that your registration has been received.
2. Any registration fees and deposit need to be paid or arrangements made with the director within two business days of your confirmation, or the spot will not be held for your child.
3. All areas of the registration need to be filled out in full, especially the physical addresses for the child, parent contacts, and emergency contacts.
4. Your first month's fees will be paid the first day your child attends the centre, and you must show up for the requested start date in order to keep your child's spot, unless you have notified the director in advance.